
Thrift, or Sea Pink, call it what you will it seems to flourish in the most unlikely places - barren walls, bits of rock, rooves, cracks in tarmac - and it's out now. 8am and I found myself down at the sea. I know many of you are up at the crack of dawn, but not usually me. I woke early, the sun was shining and before even a cup of tea I headed off to the sea. There was a slight frost, no wind, and everything was so still and tranquil. Little bunches of Thrift clung to the rocks amidst the striking mustard coloured lichen.

Next I headed off across the mountain in search of some hay for the scarecrow I intended to make at school. Fortunately TJ had a supply, so bearing bags of hay, some old trousers, a faded blouse, a straw hat, spidery wellies and a plastic bag, CrowKiller as the children charmingly called him/her was born. It's now terrorising the local birdlife. If it remains upward over night I shall be amazed.

A working supper with TJ coming up as the next card order is sorted, and then I must get some beauty sleep for tomorrow I shall be arising at the ungodly hour of 4.45am, clipboard, camera and binoculars packed, and heading off to Knockataggart which is an hour away in the middle of nowhere. I shall arrive at around 6am and proceed to tramp down small lanes, through fields, over a mountain and across a stream, recording every bird that moves or twitters. Once you get over the shock of the early rising, and the daftness of the whole thing, it can be quite enjoyable. The forecast is good and this seems like an excellent excuse to celebrate May Day. Don't forget to wash your faces in the early morning dew to ensure another year of radiance.

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