Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


What a day.
Torrential rain and flooding led to Perth almost becoming cut off today. I went to Tesco this morning and the store was open but much of the car park was under a foot of water. I was lucky and found a dry place but others were wading through really deep water to get to the store.
Trains stopped running to Perth. One participant was diverted via Dundee from Ladybank others were moved onto buses at Stirling and others diverted to Dundee then Perth. Why didn't I take a blip, actually most likely because it was raining and I was sheltering in my car!
I was lucky and managed to get to all the places I needed to. My main coup was buying this fan. My room last night was unbearably hot. It has 3 windows, all of them were wide open and I lay on top of the bed for most of the night with no covers. There was no heating, I think it may have been because I am on the attic floor and the heat has built up in the roof. I'm cool tonight thanks to my fan.
Three of our twelve participants have tested positive yesterday and today with covid which is sad as they've been looking forward to coming for a while and in one case for 3 years.
We're under way now though and all has started well. Sad to have the death of the Queen in our opening prayers though. We are to have King Charles III. The end of a very long era. She certainly earned her peaceful death.

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