Not 100%

My human is getting better but she's still not feeling 100%. That's pretty much one whole week that she's been ill now. At least she's still testing negative for Covid?!! Today she managed to meet a friend for breakfast (she took me with her) and also did a 'Meet & Greet', though she did have to have a 'lie down' in-between activities?!!

Anyway, tomorrow we are heading back down to Cornwall and are going to stay overnight with Ann's very lovely nephew, Dan, in Asbby-de-la-Zouch. Hopefully the traffic will be OK, in which case it should only take us 5 hrs to get to Dan's house and then another 5 hrs on Sunday to St Ives.

Ann has promised me that once we get back to Cornwall she will plan a nice project for us to do together. 

I have been the best little Collie pup ever, this week. I've had no where near my full quota of walks but I haven't made a fuss at all. I've just accepted that my human hasn't been very well and I've just adapted myself to whatever she's wanted to do. Ann is very, very proud of me.

Much as she loved 'MollyCollie'; Molly would never have accepted having less than her 2 hrs of walks a day. She would have been leaping around in hyper mode and throwing her toys all over the place and would keep nudging Ann's legs cos she wanted to go for a walk and generally just being extremely irritating.

I haven't done any of those things because I am confident that the minute Ann feels 100% again she will go back to taking me on big long walks again. Yay!

However, one thing about being ill, has flagged up to Ann is................... she has no one to look after me if she were to be really, really ill. She has plenty of friends who would come and take me for a little walk, ie around the block. But none of Ann's friends would take me on a big long walk because none of them actually walk very far. Booohooo. Guess she's going to have to try and rectify that.

And also, much as I'm the friendliest, most sociable little Collie pup in the world; I don't actually like being too far away from Ann. This afternoon our friend, Iain, came to see us and he said I could go back outside with him to put the parking pass onto his car. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Iain. He's one of my fav people, but no way was I going to go off with him (for 2 mins) when Ann was in the flat. I refused to get into the lift with him so he just left me sitting outside our flat door until he came back.  I didn't care.  The trouble was; Iain didn't tell me that the door wasn't actually shut.  If I'd actually pushed it, I could have got straight back in.  Mmmm........ I had to wait for him to come back until I got back into the flat and then you wouldn't believe the welcome that I gave Ann.  It was like I hadn't seen her forever???!!!

This is definitely a negative result of lock down. In 2020, Ann had three foreign holidays booked and she had people lined up to look after me. Obviously none of those holidays happened and now Ann has absolutely no desire to go abroad and if she goes on holiday in this country she will always try and book somewhere that she can take me.

Anyway, enough rantings.....................

We're just watching Prince Charles 111 make his speech.......................... personally my human thinks that the throne should have gone straight to William, but heyho, that's probably a RANT for another day.

Toodles. xx

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