Pyynikki Circuit Memorial Race

We went to Pyynikki esker to see Pyynikki Circuit Memorial Race (Pyynikin ajot). Weather was great!

The Pyynikki Circuit is a former motor sport street circuit in Tampere.  The  road race was first run in 1932, so it is 90 years since the first race. After an interruption caused by the Second World War, Pyynikki Circuit was revived in 1946, running until 1971.

In 1962 and 1963 the Finnish Motorcycle Grand Prix  was raced in Pyynikki. The circuit was found to be too narrow, and therefore the Finnish Grand Prix was moved to Imatra in 1964.

Legendary motorcycle road racer Jarno Saarinen won two classes in Pyynikki Circuit in 1971. That was the last year for Pyynikki Circuit, the race was ended because of safety reasons. 

In the afternoon we watched basketball: Finland won Croatia 94-86 and got ticket to the Quarter-Finals! For the first time since 1967. It was great game, Lauri Markkanen scored 43 points.

Today was Emma's last work day in her summer job. Both Emma and Leevi came in the evening for dinner <3

+15,7 C, partially sunny

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