Rain stopped play.

Hi Everyone,

I have decided to not release a video this week… My mind is not really on it, and everyone can wait a week. I cleaned up this toolmaker’s cabinet a little today, I picked it up for £30 last weekend. It was funny the chap recognized my voice and asked if I had a YouTube channel, I am not sure if that make me officially famous – lol.

The toolmaker’s cabinet is in quite poor condition but will be fine to store some of the accessories for my small lathe. I am keen to not add anything else into the workshop unless it can immediately earn its keep

After the workshop I went to my daughter’s home and continued with the surprised jobs… One of the things is doing some work in the garden, anyway after about an hour rain stopped play, I must admit I was quite pleased… I’ll visit again on Thursday and do a little more.

This afternoon’s job is to get into the attic and get one of my bikes down to take to the workshop and start the cleaning up process on it.

Nothing else to report…

Stay happy, strong, and healthy


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