Kit's Year

By Kit267

Obligatory Locks & Instagram Hopefuls

Eldest was up and out early for a run but came back hobbling as he’d gone over on his ankle whilst (he claims) running away from a scary dog!

Sushi woke up with a poorly tummy so we decided to stay in the villa today and spend more time relaxing by the pool.

By the evening, everyone was feeling better and so we decided to head up the mountain to the village of Pelekas to watch the sunset and have dinner out.

It was a rather hair raising drive as the sat nav sent us a very odd route cross country on some very steep and narrow roads, but luckily we didn’t meet anyone coming the other way or that would have been an interesting challenge.

The view from above the village at the Kaiser William II Observation post, complete with the obligatory locks and Instagram hopefuls, looking east across to Corfu town was stunning, the sunset view to the west on the other hand was completely marred by the presence of a restaurant!!

We did, however find a lovely local restaurant down in the village with great food and an extensive vegetarian menu for the boys. It was a much less stressful drive home as we managed to find the main road back!

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