
A surprise visitor this morning, after a bit of a long lie. No less than JS and his cute wee-est daughter with her Thomas the Tank. After that, I tracked down that Gosling's Rum to Drinkmonger in Bruntsfield. A top, top place. In between times I caught up on loads of podcasts, though actually, they were all Melvyn Bragg. I am now incredibly well informed about the myth of the amazon women.
Finally, the fireplace bloke arrived to measure up the chimney breast. And then, finally, finally, I could leg it to the Pensioners' soiree and gargle, combined, for one month only with Louis Quatorze's farewell drinky-poos in the Voodoo Rooms.
I know, I know, you're just gagging to know whether there's a chance that Hearts will be heading into administration before the end of the season. The answer is no. Btw - I have a spare ticket for the upcoming St Midden gemme. Usual rules - enclose recent photo, thanks.

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