18 till I Die

This morning I ventured into Düsseldorf and actually used public transport (was with a grown up who knew how it all worked, so I didn't get lost) there's a photographic exhibition on, "Exposed - Bryan Adams", the exhibition has been on since February but has only a couple of weeks here to go, so I was desperate to fit in it.

Bryan Adams is probably better known for his music back in the 80's and he's touring currently, but his photography is also rather good.

We wandered round, getting up close and personal with the huge portraits, debating about whether we'd want our faces enlarged to that size so that every pore and nose hair was visible to scrutiny, and whether any airbrushing or photoshopping had been used. Later though we wondered exactly what camera he'd been using to get the amazing detail that he did, then we saw a picture of him, taking a picture - the camera was huge, shoe box size, doesn't look like the kind of thing that'd fit easily in my bag along with everything else in there!

There were two discinct parts to the exhibition, the "celebrity" shots - Jerry Hall, Sting, Sir Salman Rushdie, Sir Ben Kinglsey, Mickey Rourke, Dustin Hoffman et al, and then there was a room of similarly staged photographs but this time of wounded war vets, proudly and humbly displaying their trophies of war. This was an incredible display, these men's lives changed forever, legless, armless, sightless, scarred beyond belief, it was painful but necessary viewing and sympathetically dealt with. If the exhibition comes to a town near you, go see, it really is very good.

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