From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

What are they doing??

God knows, why are they crawling along the floor, we know they're there!!!

Today was spent in the company of Mrs withers we went to Charlecote Park, what fun we had!! Wandered round the house, ran from rooms giggling like kids because she couldn't hold her wind, at one point i thought they may ask security to remove us, she was that loud, we jumped off logs while our cameras were set on self timer much to the amusement of the workmen, we avoided charging deer, i had patiently waited in the grass for the perfect shot of the deer and guess what she shouted out so they ran, silly bloody woman, she will never be an animal photographer that's fa sure!!

So all in all a fun day was had!!! Tomorrow i do it all again with Pidge in Bakewell I am wondering if we can find logs for her to jump off of, OOoo and we're meeting Hollowspy maybe he will!??!?

Anyways i best be off i have to finish packing my case!

:) X

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