Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Drumnadrochit Rocks!

A pleasant drive up the A9, with a brief stop at the best toilets in Scotland, possibly the world. Also a terrific shop and cafe, not to mention the acres of clothes shops of a certain country casual look. But best of all, for the non-shoppers, are leather couches by a roaring (gas) fire and all the newspapers and magazines you could wish for. So I sat there with several old codger men, all happy to be not shopping.

The day was sunshine, showers, then sunshine again. But it's all happening in Drumnadrochit! Crowds of folk on a huge cycle/walk from Fort William to Inverness, and a shinty game going on. After we had booked into the hotel we went for a (very brief) walk in the village. It's very small. I decided to hotfoot it the mile or so back to the shinty ground. An action shot would be good! Of course, you guessed it- it had finished.

On the way back I spotted my target away in the distance. I speeded up, lest he suddenly finished his fag and whizzed off. His name is Sparks (yes!) and he was meeting some biker pals for the weekend.Blip. We had a chat. He came up here twelve years ago for a weekend. He gave me a loud beep and wave as he roared out of town. Nice.

There's only wifi in the bar, not in the rooms, so I'm doing this there. I have a large glass of red wine, but I'm sure you wouldn't want me to spend all evening there, so I won't be able to comment much.

Off to see a jousting tournament at Urquhart Castle tomorrow. If the weather is not too inclement!

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