Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Street Party

With the political elections coming up on the 15th, in order to avoid problems, each party is allocated days when they may hit the streets and celebrate. Millions hit the streets, on bikes, cars, trucks, lorries, angkots, all wearing their party colors, play loud music and honk their horns.

Without the conflict of other parties, it is a happy, joyful occasion, as you can see if you click the Flickr link, it was like national smiley day all over again. It took me only 20 minutes to collect these images. Everyone was happy to be photographed, with not a single refusal. Some even stopped the car, just to make sure they were included.

The rain held off for the party, but now at 15:00, it is hammering down and the music STILL goes on - love Indonesia.

I difficult choice for blip, but this smile summed the day up for me.


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