
By Flossmo

Little Miss Cone

This morning I attended a Zoom workshop entitled Creative Writing - How to Avoid Common Writing Mistakes. The workshop was scheduled to start at 10 and finish at 12:30. I joined at 10 to find the tutor all of a dither. She needed to check that everyone was there due to the late change of day, she said. I had had it scheduled for today for weeks and everyone else looked equally puzzled. After much hand wringing she gave us a writing exercise to do. Then at the end of the exercise she blurted out that she had just realised that today was Sunday and not Saturday - she had completely forgotten about yesterday. We continued with the class until 12:10, when she said and that's it, thank you and goodbye, twenty minutes before the class was due to finish. I wondered if she needed a class entitled: Giving Creative Writing Classes - How to Avoid  Scheduling Mistakes. Anyway, there were some interesting titbits along the way, mostly stuff I had heard before but good to have a refresh occasionally.  

Since then I have been mostly sitting at my desk doing emails and similar and other bits of admin although I did venture outside to tidy my car before I venture north at the end of the week.

In the meantime little Sky continues to improve. She has been as good as gold in leaving her cone collar alone and in not trying to get outside. I think we will keep her in for a while longer, even if the stitches come out in the early part of the week.

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