Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Iona Cross

I do like the symbolism of the Iona Cross, the circle representing the sun and translating in Christian terms as the light of the world. This one is in the churchyard of Corstorphine Old Parish Church in Edinburgh.
I met Ali after school and we went for a coffee, with Josie of course. The sky was just changing as we walked home afterwards.
Other notable events today, I went to church first thing, a nice surprise as the Celebrant was a female priest friend who like me spends large periods of time in India. She's off next month, I'm so envious.
I managed to get my annual report written today. Once I get going with these things they flow, I'm just not disciplined enough about doing them in advance. Still this isn't needed until Saturday so plenty of time for editing.
I made a pavlova base after dinner to use up the egg whites after the hollandaise sauce I made the other day. Sadly we ate the last of the raspberries before I thought of doing it. We'll have it tomorrow, I prefer pavlova with creme fraiche, it's a little less sweet than cream.

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