Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Natter Natter Natter Natter Natter Natter Natter

...natter... These two chatterers were walking in front of me in Royal Avenue and it was just a test shot, but I liked how it came out. My second favourite is The Joker - click for a look: THE JOKER

Today was fun. After breakfast out with Mrs P, I took Sophie to Belfast to see some of the street theatre involved in the Festival of Fools entertainment provided for the Mayday holiday. We saw three or four acts. Chris Lynam, wild haired man in the shots below, Ale Risorio, an Argentine who spotted me and started posing (hilariously) and the Saxophone Man. Both days of shots are in this Flickr Set: Festival of Fools 2013

Back to work tomorrow at 07:00 :(

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