Tearoom With Senga & Margo & Her New Hat

S>Och Margo it's great to sit doon furra wee cuppa eh and take the weight aff yer feet.
M>No half Senga ma Bunions are killin me aw thon cobbles playing havoc wi ma feet but this will do just dandy.
S> How's your Archie doing these day's ?
M> He's still a slob sittin on the couch like a slob wi his beer and fags doing the hoarses in the paper yeh ken burpin an fartin awa but ahh canny grumble he had a wee win ona hoarses and bocht me thon new Bonnet I'm wearing.
S>It looks braw Margo makes yeh look a classy piece oh stuff hawhaw.
M> Achh Senga yer just sayin that tae cheer me up coz ah ma sair feet yeh ken onyway how's yer man Boabby dain these day's ?
S> He's away for another foor months wi the Navy at sea dear so am aw on ma own so I will fair be missin ma Boabby on a daily basis these next foor months.
M> Achh that's a shame Senga foor months withoot Boabby michty me ahh canny go withoot it for a couple oh days hahah, well yeh can alway's git yersel a fancy man talkin oh which do you see thon Ruggedly handsome fella staring through the glass at us in some yon fancy uniform he wid day yeh heehee wi thon big sticky pokey ooty camera thingy ma jig I wish he would stick it somewhere else as I'm gaggin furra a french fancie wi ma cuppa.
S> I a wish he would go as am starvin but we canny move until he goes as us yon waxyworks peoples canny be seen to move with real humans aroond.
M> Ohh look Senga he is packing up great we can get oor tea and coffee with oor fancy cakes soon.
S> Good he's gone (Picking up bell ding a ling) Waiter can we hae a new pot oh tea this wan has gaun cauld coz oh thon guy in the fancy uniform as we hae to get hame shortly to mak the tea yeh ken.
So I was off after listening to the gossip in the tearoom for the day but I may pay the ladies another vist one day or catch up with Boabby and Archie in the pub next time. movie for the day "Tearoom 1962" See Ya

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