My first sign of spring.

They pop up all over the road side, small, green and furry....i love to witness this new growth, this wonderful sign of the continuation of life!

In the meantime, one of my deepest and dearest friends deals with a prognosis that shakes you to your absolute core.....this poem says so much.

~ Gregory Orr

Grief will come to you.
Grip and cling all you want,
It makes no difference.

Catastrophe? It's just waiting to happen.
Loss? You can be certain of it.

Flow and swirl of the world.
Carried along as if by a dark current.

All you can do is keep swimming;
All you can do is keep singing.


and all i can do is keep praying, meditate, and still find some joy in the newness of these little green ferns.

Life....sometimes it just nails you to the wall (a line from one of Pema Chodran's bible at times like this)

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