Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


Trees are a beautiful part of our landscape, and I love them. They come in all sorts of different shapes (and sizes)!

Today I visited Snelsmore Common in search of a blip for the Heartfreek Photo Challenge. Guess what the subject was~Tree :)

I took over 200 pictures, but some of them were not good due to the fact that I'd left the camera on macro after taking a shot of some Lonely Bluebells! They were the only ones I saw, though there was a lot of forget-me-knots :)

More shots here on Flickr.

Apologies blipmates, I really need to knuckle down to things in the next few days, so I've turned my comments off again! Assignment work in progress and my next Footsteps (Theology) Study Day is on Saturday.... This also means I may not comment on everyone's journals, apologies in advance :)

I am also going to turn my internet off so that I can't browse other sites....

The other reason for this is that over the last few days I have been slightly under the weather and having strange 'migraine' type headaches which are coming and maybe a little less screen work is a good idea

Countdown to the weekend, Happy Wednesday folks :)

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