Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Today we won

Today has actually been a really really good day.

It started at 816 with a grovelling apology about the boiler man not turning up yesterday and a promise to have an engineer out in an hour. He arrived and fixed the problem in less than an hour. Sorted. We now have hot water and heating if we need it. In fact I'm currently blipping from the bath!! Actually you probably didn't need to know that...

Then my friend came over and we nattered for a good three hours. Might be one of the last times I do that without a child demanding my attention!

Then I got pooped on by a huge bird. We'll ignore that.

Then my midwife appointment where she said although it doesn't look as though ill give birth tonight, it doesn't really look two weeks away either!! Always a plus. A few days of chill might go down well at this point.

But the real highlight of the day was the visit Acronymphomania made to Lush on my behalf. Since getting pregnant I've developed a bit of a bath habit which turned into a Lush habit. He went in with my shopping list and was served by a lovey girl who remembered us from a few weeks ago. She passed along a random act of kindness and dropped an extra gift in our bag-a lovely spa kit with my favourite bath bomb! Really really made my day. If you ever go into Lush at Princes St her name is Rebekah and she's utterly fab :)

Now we're just waiting on The News. You'll be among the first to know when Futurechild arrives...

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