Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Early start to get into deepest Fife so Darwin could go to man trailing training. He was brilliant to the point the instructor said so. He had the hardest find of the morning and did it straight away. He did bark at the people once he had found them, so we need to work on that. Stopped off at Camo on the way back to give him a big walk as a treat. He had a great time and passed lots of dogs with no issues. Quick bit to eat and then headed out to Ocean terminal for my flu jab. No real issues but the place is a dump and most of the shops are shut and it just seems to be a place frequented by families at the cinema, birthday parties or soft play. Went up town after to take some stuff back and fill up J’s dad quality tin in John Lewis. Dogs were great up town, even if Darwin did get a bit excited and woofed a couple of times. Night in watching the GP and looking at holiday stuff for next year. Good news, I got an email to say the game I bought 6 months ago has finally come back into stock and has been dispatched.

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