
Everything's coming along nicely on the kitchen window sill now.
Apart from the Little Misses' Mummy and Daddy's sunflowers obviously!!
This is coriander. Tons of it - Miss E tipped pretty much a whole packet of seeds into the pot!
I left the house this morning at 8.30am and got in at nearly 6pm. I'm sleepy!
It was a lovely day though despite the howling gales and rain.
We went up to Mrs R's after dropping Miss E off and had a great time. Miss L and Mr H had fun playing while we ate biscuits, chatted and drank tea. I even had a sneaky read of Heat magazine!
Then it was back to school to get Miss E - after a quick detour to visit Papa in his shop.
Then it was swimming and home to dinner.
Miss E ate her dinner. Miss L tipped a glass of water into hers and then refused to eat it.
She'll be a bit peckish in the morning!!
Mr K has just texted from Mumbai airport.
I'm hoping it was from the Duty Free shop.
In the perfume section.
By the Chanel counter.
Possibly with a bottle of Chance Eau Fraiche in his hand.
But with or without perfume I'll be pleased to have him home.
Preferably with.

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