Running nose....................... MM Candlelight

The snowman does not have a cold, nor does it have covid. His nose is running because it is raining. So wonderful with rain, the snow is gone almost completely now. But not on the snowman, because he is of white painted wood.

MonoMonday result
Thank you to everyone who contributed photos to Mono Monday. All the times it has been difficult to choose the "winning" photos. So, it feels good that this is the last time, I really need to rest from this now. So I warmly hand over the hosting of Mono Monday to the next host, I do not know who it is, but wish him/her the best of luck. 

evolybab: Lovely minimalist photo with many reflections. 
fitzbilly: Charming with cute birds, spruce twigs and a nice rabbit candlestick. 
DawnP: A beautiful decoration around a solitary light and also a reflection. 
ladypop: More minimalist than this, it can hardly get, beautiful flame. (I find it difficult to photograph flames). 
libeccio: So charming with the mullioned window and beautiful pottery for the candles and the fruit bowl.

Honourable Mentions 
Majoayee: There is no need for spells or anything else magical. So funny props for an interesting scene with lights.
Lesmark: An innovative use of props. The cut-out pattern on the candle holder creates a beautiful perfectly placed pattern on the wall.
Cate1: A corner of the home will be cozy with beautiful things, plants and lit candles. 
Tookie: A wonderful way to let your imagination create candles in nature. 
AndrewNZ: Even though Andrew lives in New Zealand and has bright evenings now, he has created an exciting photo with the light in reflection. I do not really understand how it happened. But I like it.

Since this is the last time, I will take the liberty of mentioning a few more contributions. 

Special Mentions
isbi: It is so cozy to sit and eat at a dining table with lit candles. I do not have any electric lighting at my dining table, but a candle chandelier for candlelight. As soon as I light them, it becomes so amazingly cozy. And the food tastes better.
MrsLinda: A beautiful photo and besides, she makes her candles herself. I bow. 
Kd: She goes in for the whole thing and has created a photo with three of my challenges in a single photo.

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