Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I went to look at a used kayak with a friend today - he just wanted a second set of eyes before making the purchase and it was a good excuse to catch up. While we were waiting to see the kayak, this caught my eye. Peeling paint and some some general disrepair which seemed perfect for a bit of Dereliction (and thanks to Marlieske for hosting). A quick edit to convert to mono.

I’ve not been sleeping well this week and only clocked about 3 hours last night so I am lacking in anything even remotely resembling energy today. Fortunately, Jax has been happy to curl up on the sofa which suits me fine. Hubs is at the offices today and tomorrow so he was up and out very early this morning. Very weird not having him here.

A square of 70% dark today and just letting it melt in my mouth…


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