
On my return from Birmingham earlier this week the temperature in the greenhouse had dropped to -5C.   Most of the South African bulbs that I grow are not frost hardy and as they were mostly frozen solid I decided to bring them indoors and thaw them out.  The frost has lifted here this evening so they're going back to the greenhouse now.   It's too early to be sure but they look like they've survived the freeze.

A slow start this morning but I got a fair bit of much needed cleaning and tidying done.  I had planned more tomorrow but am now working after two different calls asking me to cover folk who are off sick.   Hey Ho, work is more fun than cleaning the house!   I managed to get a few Christmas cards in the post before the deadline, my preparations have been disrupted by health and family stuff the last month.  It's also been a while since C & I took the two Megs out together, nice to put that right this afternoon.   As Jamie was video chatting with his mum this evening, I had time at home ... to cook :-)   I made the meal I had planned to share with Jamie and did a meals on wheels run but also had time to make Broccoli and Stilton soup (which Jamie doesn't like) for myself.   A treat.   A quiet night in before work this weekend.

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