Battling the Bilberries!

Not the best quality blip but it hasn't been the best quality weather today for blipping. We were orienteering in our own backyard up on the moor...and I was rubbish! Went haring off at speed (passing the planner seated on a hilltop watching his courses unfold!), straight up the wrong path and then spent the next ten minutes making all the little quarries fit where I thought I was, cussing the planner, comparing maps with Jim who arrived in the same wrong spot shortly after me and then did headless chicken (still in full view of the planner, a clubmate which made it all the worse) for more precious minutes before seeing Jim drop into the correct pit!

Of course when I finally finished, the planner had told Tony and the finish crew so they all had a good laugh at my expense!

Anyway the good thing about being on your doorstep is that you can walk back home through the competition area and blip others getting in a muddle. This is G battling the bilberries halfway up the steep side of Deepcliff. I think he has just left his last control under that crag. Glad I wasn't on his course!

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