Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

I said, give me the bread!

Today we had the girls as schools were closed. They'd stayed over so we had a slow start and headed out about 11.30 to Linlithgow Loch to see and feed the birds. Bad timing on my part. The rain just got heavier as we drove. The upside was the loch was pretty quiet and we parked quite easily.
Plenty of swans and coots around and gazillions of various types of gull, mainly black headed I think. Eilidh said it was all a bit too much. She had a bad experience a few years ago when a gull pinched her sandwich and scratched her hand badly while doing so.
The feeding came down to me therefore. All was well until this rather pushy fellow came out of the water and right up to me just as I ran out. I'd forgotten how intimidating they are close too. Still I shook the empty bag at him, told him he was too late and put it in the bin.
We headed back to town and stopped for a slap up lunch in Morrisons at the Gyle, neither particularly good nor particularly cheap. The girls consider it a treat though as they rarely have things like nuggets and chips!
This afternoon Isobel did her french after school club on Zoom, it's normally in school after hours but the school is not accessible today. A new experience for her.
Next on the agenda was making birthday cards for their dad whose birthday is tomorrow. He's in the bad books with Kathryn who set to, to make him his chocolate orange birthday cake this evening only to discover he'd eaten the last of the oranges today! Oops, grandparents to the rescue.
I got my car back from the garage along with the good news that all that was wrong was a fuse. A nice low bill, hooray.
Watched University Challenge this evening, delighted with the result.

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