Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

And All The Worlds A Stage.....

it was touch and go for a while. Will she, wont she?
Going onstage in front of all her new schoolmates was never going to be easy.
The "wardrobe" dilemma alone was almost a dealbreaker.
To my horror, I was refused admission to the hall Formerly Known as Fatima Which is Now Atima, cos the "F" fell off. There is no f in Fatima, as I quipped to herself, which earned me a "Filthy" with a Capital F.

One of the teachers recognised me, though, and opened the allowed oors of Atima.
Just in time for me to whip out the Beast and grab this shot of herself making her stage debut, singing Kodalines "High Hopes".
Was I proud?
Was I fuckin wha'????
High Hopes indeed....

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