Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills


a friend of mine, going against all the odds in this recession-ridden poxbottle of a country, has spent a year and a half of her life and a lot of money making an oasis of food-beauty here in Wicklow.
For those of you fortunate enough not to be my FBF, this is what I wrote...
"Jackie Spillanes new project, the Delgany Grocer, is now up and running in Delgany Village. Its quite simply the finest food hall I have seen in Ireland yet. Im going to post a couple of pics which ABSOLUTELY dont reflect the sheer class and quality of the place. You walk in through a superb bakery and cafe, segue seamlessly into the Grocers, full of stunning dried and fresh goods, salads, exotics, and fruit and veg. There is a wonderful florist around the back (if there is a back to the place...it seemed to me to form a perfect Gestalt of the good things in life...., a circle of sensory delights... check it out if you can..."
I have to claim an interest, insofar as I arrived at the place this morning, mobhanded and triply hungover, was asked to sort out the veg section, and this is what resulted.
Bear in mind that its a work in progress, and when the DTs subside, it will be rebranded and much improved.
Now, wheres the fucking bar.......

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