
No frost this morning but still rather chilly. I  did all the usual bed and bathroom laundry and while the washing machine was in action spent far too much time on my jigsaw.  Only the black pieces were left and were quite a challenge but eventually I completed them. Perseverance is all. Decided I could move up and bought a 500 instead of a 300 piece jigsaw for my next effort.  Had a wander round the garden. I'd quite like to have a cup of tea in the arbour but it's still too cold.  The first signs of spring are at a standstill but I was surprised to find a bit of honesty flowering away as if it was April or May. It's close to the house so maybe gets a bit of shelter. Nipped out to the village shop to buy some cake for Andy tomorrow and sampled a bit with my afternoon cuppa. Planned next week as my car's going for its annual service and MOT on Thursday and I'll be stuck in the house.  Hopefully I'll do some badly needed tidying up in the garden.

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