Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Or perhaps, how many men does it take to....
Sunday today so we were in church. We had a confirmation today, David, who is cutting the cake here, was also celebrating his birthday.
Confirmation means a Bishop in the house, so BP John was reminding us that it was almost 3 years since he was last with us. We'll forgive him as quite a lot happened over those 3 years! It was when I was last in India too. On that last occasion, he was installing Stephen as our Rector, then, just a few weeks later, covid struck and we were in lockdown.
As well as the confirmation today, five of us were commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers which means basically that we are licensed to serve the Chalice at communion services in our church. I was officially licensed once before but Bishop Holloway. That was on the day of Katy's confirmation, so would be around 27 years ago. I've been doing it ever since but apparently one should be regularly re-licensed, maybe it wears off! Now I have a piece of paper to prove it.
Other than that, I pruned the buddleia before the weather changed. It's become much more squally outside and there have been some showers to accompany the gusts of wind. I also took down the last set of lights from the trees. They've done well, three AA batteries and they've been on for 6 hours every day since around the 10th of December. They have a built in timer so 6 hours on 18 hours off every day.
I finally started to sort out some clothes for India, les than two weeks till I leave now, how time flies.

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