
4 days until the move.

Today Bob and I cleaned the carpets at our new place. I suggested that he bring along some toys to play with today and to have handy when we move in.

Bob found the piano, the rocking chair, and the water and ice cubes from the door of the freezer far more interesting than his toys.

My Favorite Conversation with Bob Today
Tonight, Bob claimed that a pain in his belly precluded him from finishing his dinner. We told him that just 3 more bites and he could be excused. 1 more bite and he was emphatic that his stomach hurt too much. Since he pointed to the exact location of his stomach (perhaps he has listened to my anatomy lessons too well), I gave in and suggested that we take a walk to cure his stomach ache.

On the way back from the walk, I mentioned that he only needed 3 more bites to finish his dinner.

"But Mom, at the table you said 3 bites. I took one bite, so I only have 2 bites left."

Bob astonishes me on a daily basis. I struggled with counting to 100 in 1st grade. He is nearly there 3 months shy of his 4th birthday and already grasps subtraction. Maternal pride is on overload this evening.

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