Check List...

I quite like checklists for days/weekend's when I don't have anything particular planned but like to get things done. Things that are best done when there are no other particular things to do.

This weekend my internal checklist goes along the lines of:

O Return the bracket for my bike that was mis-sold to me and replace it with one that I now know, with newly acquired knowedge, will fit.
O Watch at least one of the films I picked up for 99p each in the video shop. Watchmen is in progress, Super 8 to follow later.
O Cut the grass. Done.
O Speak to a man with the means to fit aforementioned bracket to see if he'll help put it in.
O Try and get to Edinburgh on Sunday to support the PoP cyclo-march.
O Hoover the stairs and tidy the rooms up the stairs.
O Finish the main circular rows of the bunnet I'm in the middle of.
O Clean bike of the weeks cycling. Done.
O Hoover and clean the car.
O Build new mouth piece onto my didge with the beeswax that just arrived in the post.

Possibly unrealistic to expect to manage all of it but gives some structure to an unstructured weekend.

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