Went over to see Mum in Morecambe OK.  Now I admit to having nodded off in the car (Hubby was driving) and I just opened my eyes as we were going past MacDonalds in Morecambe and I saw Speedo Mick!!!  I blinked turned round and he was gone.  I thought "am I dreaming, if so what would I dream about seeing Speedo Mick?".  I checked whilst at Mum's and yes he is in Morecambe at the moment, he is walking from Carnforth to Lancaster.  Last night there photos of him with Eric's statue on the Prom.

Whilst chatting to Mum my youngester brother and his partner arrived - it was great to see them as I haven't seen them yet this year.  We had a nice natter and a catch up before they left.

After we'd had some lunch with Mumwe headed for home via Morecambe Prom.  It was so grey not worthwile stopping to take photos.  As we entered Carnforth there was a tail back of traffic so we scooted down a side street and went home  via Warton, Arnside and Sandside.  I stopped in Sandside for a wander and took this photo.  I rather liked the fact that although it was very grey over towards Grange way you could see a glow - well it's always Sunny in Grange, so the saying goes anyway..

That was it.  Now home.  No Dark Materials to watc tonight but there is Vera, so we will watch that later.  

Oh I did go down to Kents Bank Station last night to see The Royal Scot steam train go whizzing through.  The driver blew his whistle several times, oh the joy of hearing that whistle is so silly but lovely, then he got a really good head of steam up.  I did attempts some photography but not successful as it was way too dark at 6.50am.  However I don't dislike the one in extras because the station and coaches are quite sharp but the engine is blurred showing the speed it was going thorugh the station at but you can also see the steam.  It's due to my Dad that I get a thrill around steam trains, he loved them so and I guess many years of visiting various steam trains around the country wore off on me.

Do take care everyone and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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