La vida de Annie

By Annie

Spring and Winter

#1D was taking #1GS into town to introduce the 4-week-old chap to her staff and regular customers, and I hitched a lift as I had an appointment at the Eye Hospital later to check out Africa. He caused quite a stir, and people were even peering into the coffee shop windows to point and smile. I checked my blouse buttons, but no, it was the baby they were looking at. We then attempted a little light shopping, but it was hard to make progress when people keep stopping her to tell her the child has a lot of hair; she has noticed that (doh!), and blames it for the excess indigestion she suffered whilst carrying him.
The eye appointment was the usual barrel of laughs. The Anneflu surfaced whilst I had my head in the brace to allow the surgeon to shine lights into my chemically-enlarged pupils to peer at the retinas, and I had a coughing fit right in his face. Still, it got me out early, albeit with no solution in sight(!) but a further appointment scheduled for after my op. It may look sexy, but the zombie-eyed look doesn't make walking back through town on a sunny day the easiest of feats. #1S arrived in the evening on a flying visit to see his new nephew, but #1D had already taken him home, so a trip was planned for he and #2S to visit tomorrow while I'm out at yet more appointments. Really wiped today.

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