
By CathyH

Memory Lane

My family moved a lot during my childhood. The first time I went a full year in one school was in junior high. I was quiet so being in strange places and making new friends was hard for me.

I happened to be near the small town where I went to first grade, so I went a little out of my way to see what might look familiar. The only thing I recognized was the elementary school. I remember thing it looked like a castle. The school has been abandoned for several years. My classroom was through the door on the left; first room on the left. Funny how I still remember that. I also remember I loved my teacher.

The school was built in 1942 by the NYA. I had to look that up. The National Youth Association was sponsored by Franklin D. Roosevelt during his presidency. It focused on providing work and education for Americans between the ages of 16 and 25.

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