Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Threatening Skies

You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
Mark Twain

I love Mark Twain quotes! They're my favourite - this one is really thought provoking. I seem to be on an imagination roll at present :)

The forecast wasn't good for today, and these clouds rolling along the horizon looked as though bad weather was on its way; it was. It got downright claggy, damp and drizzly. I got downright sick of being inside so took myself down to Shag Rock and had a play, trying to keep the drops off the not-waterproof lens, and get some wave movement. I was reasonably successful on both counts, but the rain did set in further and I had to retreat back home. It was fun though!

For those that are interested, I use an abandoned dog cover to protect my camera/lens in weather like today's. I used to have a tiny fox terrier (darling Maggy!) and I use her old cover. It fits really well.

This morning's autumn leaf effort was the result of admiring the clouds and wanting to include the leaves. The autumn season seems to be lasting well this year and I'm enjoying it immensely.

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