Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Tuesday — Medical Procedure

Part of the reason we are in SoCal at the moment is because Mr. Fun had a medical procedure scheduled today. He needed to be at Kaiser Medical at 9:00 a.m. for check-in and he had to have a driver with him to take him home, that was mandatory.

So I waited with him until it was his turn. Then the nurse explained that it would probably be 2-hours before they’d be ready to release him. So I decided to head the 20-minutes home rather than wait there.

I was glad I headed to the house; we rarely leave the pups home alone anymore, but when we do, we put Chloe in her crate (which is where she sleeps at night), and Mitzi gets to roam free because she decided about 18 months ago that she was no longer going to stay in a crate (long story). So she roams free while we are gone. I do put a small pet fence across the border from the dining room to the kitchen to keep her somewhat contained.

When I got back to the house, I think she was real glad to get to run in the backyard. I wasn’t here long when the recovery room nurse phoned to tell me my man was ready. It had only been an hour and forty minutes. So less time than they had estimated. I jumped in my hot rod and was at the hospital and in the recovery room in about 18 minutes.

I listened as the nurse gave him instructions. Then he was released and we were on our way. He has spent the remainder of the afternoon sleeping and all bundled-up in a hooded sweater shirt and a winter coat feeling very cold — feeling cold is a symptom he feels a lot; I believe it is a side-effect of the drugs he was given for prostate cancer a couple years ago. I’m very discouraged.

I rarely upload my post this early in the evening, but I am several days behind, so I’m going to try to catch-up while he sleeps.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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