Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Things they don’t tell you about being a grown up and working full time is how full time, full time work is. I never thought I would never have time for things the way I do now. Two days a week is absolutely nothing for anyone. Say you want to have a lye in till 9:30 and then you get up, chillax a little, maybe do a few jobs, run some errands then you’re home, tea & bed ready for work the next day.

Currently at the wise old age of 27, I’m feeling like this is going to be the rest of my life. What if in 10 years I look back and I think what have I actually done besides work?! And for who?! Who am I working for?!

These brain moments are also viciously attacked by the fact I have to work to pay for smelly bills and to be able to go on holiday. Holidays are basically the only thing keeping me afloat so I don’t go stir crazy. I know people who haven’t been on holiday in years and years and they just work, take time off here and there and just stay home.

I truly think I would throw myself off a bridge if I took a week off work and stayed at home doing nothing when I could in-fact, be on a cruise and living my best life.

So currently I’m stuck between being too tired from work to do anything and not being able to leave work because I need it to fund my existence. And then I feel even more stuck because I get overwhelmed with the idea that the world is my oyster and I could literally do anything like move to Oklahoma and raise chickens or decide I never want to work again but become a nun. (Less possible)

Life is hard sometimes, no?

Happy blipping.

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