Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Turning Twenty-Seven

Well it’s official. I’m old.

And boy howdy are my bones creaking these days! Let me tell you nearing up to 27 has been a killer on my feet. And back. And legs.

In all seriousness, this year has been quite a good one I’d say. Last year I had a lovely get together with my mum and dad and then shortly after we jetted off to Spain for 2 weeks which I was sooo pleased happened because with the ever loving covid I really didn’t think it was going to happen. But it did! And I was sun burnt and chubby and I didn’t give a chuff.

As the year ticked on I had lots of adventures of course like my sister growing her baby and of course my favourite time of year Christmas!!! But we all knew this was overshadowed by my absolutely hysterical excitement to go back to the holy ground: Orlando. My heart yearned for those loaded fries, crisp white bed sheets and getting my ears on. I was so ready and it was beyond magical. 4 weeks of pure excitement, cruising and quite frankly- the most fanciest moments of my life. We sailed across the Bahamas, I went on a stupid swing thing that was 4000000ft in the air which I will absolutely never ever do again, we even swam in the sea up to a bar that literally was floating in the ocean!

January was of course, my favourite month. But not to say February was a magic time as well as we welcomed my beautiful niece Bonnie and my nephew Rowan. Who knew being an auntie would be such responsibility? If only they’d told me in advance I wouldn’t of used all my holiday days literally eating anything over 1,000kals.

Me and Lee also celebrated our 7 year anniversary which was a delight. I just love him more everyday, truly.

And well folks the rest is history. I still love my job and rejoice I didn’t get made redundant again or they didn’t hate me! So I see that as a win. I am still hoping to start my DO course at some stage which will help me in the future.

Speaking of, I have a few fun things lined up for this/next week and of course I get to see the babies! As well as seeing abba in august and finally getting to go to Dubrovnik in October.

Overall girls and boys, a fabulous year. Which isn’t something anyone can say often is it? But thankfully mine has been just that. Not caring about my weight has really helped in my confidence. I recommend to anyone. Stop trying to fit into a standard that your mind has created.

See you on my flip side.

Happy Birthday Blipping.

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