Jolly japanese maple (or Awesome Acer)

Thanks to Dogenzenji who inadvertently reminded me that I had this filter but had never used it, because my other computer was just tooooooo slow to cope with it. Cheers bud. Go see the funky fennel
Long day.

James WAS ill. I was on the verge of calling doctor at 11 last night - he slept frmo 2pm yesterday afternoon, and apart from briefly opening his eyes and muttering something inaudible and confused whenever I checked on him, he didn't wake up. He was burning up completely....however, around midnight his body temp settled a bit. He got up this morning and then spent the day zonked out on the sofa, and it was all I could do even to get him to drink anything. However, around 6pm, he perked up and finally said he was hungry - and then ate like a horse for two hours (but he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning). He is losing his voice as well. So I think he has been fighting off whatever Corin has been fighting off this week, and combined with a couple of late nights and lots of running around and playing with his mate this week, he just hit exhaustion point.

The other man in my life woke up this morning with a massively mis-shapen and swollen hand - this was as a result of a midgie bite that he got on the back of his hand - however, rheumatic fever when he was younger has left him with a very over-zealous immune system which reacts rapidly and extremely to anything and everything. Anti-histamine seems to have brought it under control.

And me....???

I went on my test drive. It was awesome. I will have a new car in 3 weeks time.


Back to work tomorrow - new timetable starts (we start our year in June, so that when the kids come back after the summer holidays, they already know their timetable, routine and teachers - it also means that our kids don't wind down to the summer and doss about, because they are all starting new courses (or GCSE courses) so it maintains focus. It also means that the staff are knackered by the summer, and some of us (me me me) actually don't gain any benefit from the Year 11 students timetable load increases tomorrow....but its worth it to keep the kids and staff, me included, focussed on progress) off to catch some zzzzz's.

Night all


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