
Crumbly, tangy and naughty. Especially at quarter to midnight. When I realised that I hadn't taken a picture that I could blip, I recorded the large slab of dairy goodness before I wolfed it down. Corin has joined in the fun but with pickled onions and cornichons too. No bedtime kiss for him tonight!

I had taken a photo of a lovely concoction I made for lunch today but the photo was pants. The concoction was a taste sensation though. It was my take on something that we had at our wedding meal - risotto with onions, mushrooms, garlic, bacon, lemon thyme, rosemary, basil and flat leaf parsley, with some chilli and parmesan for good measure, all wrapped up in puff pastry and baked for half an hour. It was lovely. Corin said that he thought that one or two people at the wedding didn't appreciate the food. I niggled about that for ages this afternoon. Partly because I agonised over the menu choices for weeks, but also because I just thought that it is a bit churlish of people if they are niggling about our food choices when they had a meal for free! That then caused me to ponder on the fact that we didn't get to try any of the canapes that we ordered because they were brought out whilst we were busy having our wonderful photos taken. That bit I am not bothered about. Corin isn't saying who might have given him the impression he has about the food - he is being gentlemanly because he knows probably that I would be even more narked.

I have let it go now. People are people. We enjoyed our food on the day, and again today. So that's all that matters.

Busy day. No hangover from the vino tinto last night. I reflected to a fellow blipper that it was probably the healthy supper of 3 bags of crisps, some pringles and 4 cups of peppermint tea before bed that soaked up the naughty alcohol and left me feeling pretty chipper this morning after ten hours sleep! Have subsequently managed to clean the bathroom, tidy the kitchen, cook, do some laundry and mark 10 pieces of coursework (including writing witness statements, annotating and providing stupid amounts of paperwork to ensure that the examiner can see why I have awarded the marks that I have done). Interestingly though, my left hand is in agony now and feels much like my right hand did a couple of weeks ago when I got the strange blue finger and was subsequently told it was Raynauds syndrome. I am getting some colour back in the left hand now, but my fingers were white before and when the blood started going back in to them, it hurt!

Off to the Pool tomorrow afternoon for an hour or so - an adventure of sorts. Will share tomorrow. James has a guitar lesson in the afternoon - he's ready to learn now that he is big enough to hold his guitar!

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