The Last Resort

Hallelujah! It was so much warmer today -a balmy 12°- that despite sashaying forth with no scarf or gloves, I felt overdressed and overheated. I had the now routine Saturday morning’s jaunt into town and home via the Farmers Market in Castle Terrace picking up some shopping on the way. 

I was home in time for the start of the TV coverage of the Rugby match at Murrayfield- Scotland v Italy  and managed to watch most of it despite a trip to Lidl for essential supplies of a certain Irish Liqueur at half time. I can watch if we’re winning or not playing England.
There were crowds of Italian and Scottish rugby fans in town and the trams transporting them to the pitch for a very early kickoff at 12:30 were bursting at the seams. It looked like the images one sees of the London Underground at rush hour.

Nothing particularly caught my eye on the blip front leaving this view of the Castle through the rather gloomy graveyard of St Cuthbert’s Church to be the last resort as it is for the people buried under the old moss covered headstones.

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