The second half of life..

By twigs

Binsies twinsies

Spent the morning watching the 6 Nations final matches - great to see Ireland retain the trophy though France have been looking concerningly good too.  Sadly, I think England have a bit of work to do which, to be fair,  probably puts them in about the same place as the All Blacks.  Bring on the World Cup in September.

Spent the afternoon at L & M's.  M had organised a lovely afternoon tea and it was sooo nice to be able to relax with friends on their sunny patio and enjoy a cucumber sandwich, cream puff and cuppa!  Lovely.  It seems lots of people are heading away on some exciting holidays soon.....listening to people's plans makes me realise how much of this wonderful world I still haven't seen. My plan to spend about 3 weeks circumnavigating the top half of the South Island though feels very right for me just now.  I have a house-sitter organised and I'll be heading away on Thursday.  Before then though I have a pile of firewood to stack, some competition images to prepare and a house to ready for the sitter........oh... and a lawn to mow.  Deadlines have a habit of focusing the energies very nicely!

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