New reality day 965

Apparently there's a good chance for Northern Lights right now, but the sky is cloudy. It could clear around 11pm, but I'm not sure if I'll be up at that point. If I am and happen to catch them, I'll update the photo.

I started my internal cortisone 3 days ago. Today was the last morning I took it. Thank goodness. It's already gathered liquids around my belly area (which never happens to me) and I look horrible. I feel sick just looking at my body even when I know it's the medicine. Yikes. Otherwise it's given me an energy boost. Yesterday I felt like an Olympic winner and first time in months I felt my normal energetic self. Today in the morning I was still quite energetic, but now it's fading away.

In the midst of that energy boost - near euphoria - I managed to sort out our medicine cabinet and gather all the expired stuff to take to pharmacy for recycling (which I did today), walked to vote, went grocery shopping and did some other random storage space sorting around the house while I was listening to Paris Hilton's memoir. That one I can recommend. It's a horrible story (at least around teen years) and made me sick to my stomach. The book is interesting and makes one think about all the horrible stuff that goes around in the world and how children need love and protection, good caring people around them. I hope / assume she's found happiness. I haven't finished the book yet, so... But already it has totally changed what I think of her (well I haven't really, only known about her) but still. It's great she's talking about all that happened to her and hopefully can prevent it happening anymore. Here's a sneak preview if you are interested:

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