Edinburgh Institute of the Futures Revealed

The wraps, scaffolding and hoardings are beginning to come off the renovated old Royal Infirmary, but I was told by a workman that it might still be a year before it is totally occupied. 

Landscaping is beginning on the Lauriston Place frontage: I think it will be quite a grand entrance. The side of the building nearest the Dower House is shielded by hoarding and scaffolding is still up round the clock tower. 
I will be interested to see how public  and accessible the grounds will be to the rest of us in Quartermile.

At the top corner of Middle Meadow  adjacent to the old driveway to A&E is a tiny garden constructed mainly by the owner of police box masquerading now as a small takeaway wrap café. The garden is used at weekends and the festival mainly for children’ s entertainment or for jazz groups. It was looking quite appealing in the sunshine this afternoon when I blipped it.

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