Wood anemone, spotted bravely flowering at the side of a road. They're meant to be a sign of ancient woodland and are pollinated by hoverflies.  Not many hoverflies out today, abysmal weather.

We had a very interesting visitor this morning for coffee,  Maria Lax a photographer of some acclaim who was in Ireland for a couple of weeks doing a recce for her new photobook in which she intends to examine liminal spaces. Someone from the Folklore Collection put her on to me because one of her areas of interest is of course holy wells. What a delightful woman. Originally from Finland, she's now based in London but is yearning for the countryside. Her last photobook was on alien sightings in Finland and her photography is extraordinary. She tends to work on her own in the dark and in forests. She is also pretty hot on portraiture and has worked for Vogue amongst others. We had time to visit a well before the heavens opened then I sent her on her way to some woods in search of fairy trees. She had a very large camera.

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