Easter is Coming

The natty knitters of Marchmont St Giles Church in Kilgraston Road  have been busy decorating the Post Box outside my Chiropodist’s premises in Marchmont Road. They in turn used to be the Post Office before they were converted.
It was outside this Post Office that son#2, 40 years ago,  found an old envelope on the ground containing £500. We told the post office we were handing it into the local police Station in Causwayside, (now also no more) which we duly did and after many years unclaimed , the lucky boy was given it back.

Because my chiropody appointment was 9am and high tide was 7:30 am, Sue very kindly agreed to pick me up at 7am which allowed a short stroll into the water, no hike just to get the the sea today, and enough time to get home in time for my appointment. The quick march over the Meadows was the very thing to warm me up.

The drizzly rain held off until I had returned a library book and arrived home in time to  welcome my school friend of The Ivy fame for a safe haven coffee on her way to visit her husband who was languishing in the Royal Infirmary with a broken bone in his back. 
It was a pretty cheerless day when she left, and I did feel sorry for her bussing out to Little France  and then wending her way back across town to her home in the west of the city.

I am happy to stay put inside with my new read- The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O’Farrell and look out the window at the passing umbrellas. Such a different day weather wise from yesterday.

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