
By HeartFreek

Nothing beats being a 'Parent'. xXx

Todays Challenge blip is 'Parent'. I chose this today as I was taken to lunch by my Babies, Emily (also known in my Blip as Daughter Number 1) , Sophie Poke and Samuel Squidget.

Samuel, 17, only been driving a month has decided to move to Cornwall with my brother for the Summer. He leaves tomorrow and Boy am I gonna miss him.

4 years ago, I separated from their Daddy and for 4 years I have been without my Babies. Something I never imagined happening. But it did. I have missed them every single day and treasure every moment with them. Emily is now back with me and my new husband. I just adore her company and her friendship and can't imagine life without her again but I know she has to go sometime! It healed some of my broken Heart. The relationship with Sophie and Sam is a little complicated due to difficulties with Mr W, but we all try our hardest to compromise and deal with the situation the best we can.

In 1999, I was also a Surrogate 'Parent' for a French couple. It was the most amazing feeling ever, to hand someone their baby they have longed for for so many years. I shall revisit that storey in October. On his birthday.

During lunch today, I got Emily, Sophie and Sam to write 5 things about me and each other. This is what they all said, including my input!!!

Most thoughtful person I know.
Sometimes lets me dress her!
Makes me sleep talk and wave my hands in the air when we're in the same bed!
Her hair grows really quick!
Is the most amazing sister I could ask for.
Cares a lot, Cries a lot, Worries a lot,
Loves the Lion King
Cries when she's drunk.
Farts smell like roast dinners!
Loves Bunnies,
Is a HeartFreek like her Mummy
Beautiful and intelligent
Doesn't cope well without sleep.
Took control when her Mummy was poorly for that I shall be eternally grateful!

Orange! that'll be the obsession with the fake tan!
Her hair always looks awesome!
Is so, so funny when drunk.
Pouts in her sleep.
Is surprisingly clever
Helps (Emily) man up when she is being a sensitive soul cos she's 'ard!
Tries to make (Emily) have slug eyebrows like hers!
Chooses (Emilys) clothes and makes her hair look cool!
Gorgeous, stunning and beautiful.
My (Emily's) best friend and the most amazing Sissy.
Has a slight obsession with makeup!!!
Beautifully slim with stunning eyes!
Would choose salad over chocolate!
Likes to Party!
Is called Princess for a reason!!!!

So mature for an annoying teenager!
We look the same when I (Sophie) have no make up on!
Has really blonde eyebrows!
Doesn't like the clothes Sophie picks for him!
(Sophie) likes it when he trains her in the gym cos he's BUFF!
All (Emilys) friends fancy him cos he's hench!
People think hes Emilys boyfriend when they go out together!
Smiles like Wallace and grommet!
Has a Heart of Gold
Coolest and most amazing little brother ever!
Is taller than his Daddy - not hard thank god!
Has a tendency to think he's right - like ALL the time!!!!
Handsome and strong with BIG muscles!!
Is terribly sensitive and kind for a boy!
Is about to embark on a journey in Newquay that I hope lives up to his dreams!!!! (Be careful boy!)

Buys random presents for us - only if it has a Heart!
We have exactly the same hair colour except Sophie uses Sunin!!! Mines natural!!
Always asks and cares about what Im doing.
Keeps my sensitive side going - cos Im mean! (Sophie!!)
Is a MILF!!! (oh Lord - did I type that!)
Most caring person ever!
All my friends fancy her!
Puts her awesome children first. (Glad they think that!!)
Has a crazy Heart obsession!
For a blonde she tans really well!
A Mummy version of Me! (Emily)
The most caring, generous and thoughtful person In the world.
My Rock, safe place and Cure.
The most prettifullest, amazing and bestest Mummy in the entire World - EVER!

I Love you my beautiful and Wonderful Babies. With all my HEART and more.


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