By Hook or by Crook

With Lucy on more work calls, Ewan and I had another visit to Salt’s Mill, the land of hot chocolate and toasted tea cakes, not forgetting the books and art materials in the galleries.
Thus fortified, we  took the train one stop from Saltaire to Shipley (Ewan likes trains!) and had a wander round the the market area which was a bit dispiriting really before catching a bus which took us home to the door without the need of a hill walk up Shipley Glen.

We were back in time for the wanderer’s return from Paris. After a rumbustious welcome  from Corky, the daughters have disappeared with him for a walk up in the moors, while the rest of us are all in our own little bubbles around the house.

This is my last night here and tomorrow we will be chugging our way back to Edinburgh and Glasgow, hoping the train will not be overcrowded with Easter holiday passengers.

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