Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Tuesday — Shopping Day

We knew we’d need to go today to Costco in San Luis Obispo to get our pup, Mitzi’s, medicine. So we made our list, checked it twice, and headed east.

We wanted to stop at two of my favorite thrift stores, Fred & Betty’s and the Hospice store. Both were changing from their Easter themed decorations to spring, Mother’s Day, and graduation. So I strolled quickly thru each one, but didn’t make a purchase.

Then we made a stop at the Staples store to get a ream of printer paper; then the Dollar Tree store to look for Easter basket items. From there we headed to Trader Joe’s to purchase several packages of their Orange Mandarin Chicken, but I got sidetracked in the fresh flower department.

Then we headed to Costco. After that we stopped in the See’s Candy Store to get some mini-boxes for Easter gifts, and finally the grand finale was grocery shopping at Ralph’s Supermarket. It’s my least favorite place to be and my energy level for the day was exhausted. I did though, need to do some grocery shopping and it was saved for last so we could get the refrigerated items back home to the frig.

Obviously we put too much into our day. We did that because we don’t drive to San Luis Obispo very often.

My photo collage was an attempt to attach a visual to our activity.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too !

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