Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Monday — Pier & Sign

The Cayucos pier in the background was supposed to be the focal point of my photo as I took a quick capture while Mr. Fun took us on a scenic drive toward home. The road sign, though, is a favorite of every bicyclist.

We no longer ride our tandem bicycle nor our single bicycles for long distances but for many years we pedaled thousands of miles. Sharing the road with motorized vehicles can be very dangerous. Many people do not realize that a bicyclist (or a bicycle) must obey all the rules/laws of the road. That means stopping at stop signs; obeying signal lights; not riding in crosswalks, and riding in the same direction as the vehicles on the road.

As a bicycle rider, hearing a vehicle move over the Botts dots on the highway to give me more room is a wonderful sound.

From Central California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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